Rules & Regulations
The staff at Brownell/Kvamsing wants your trip to be an enjoyable experience, so please review before you leave on your adventure:
*Download or print our Trip Guide for all trip details & don’t forget to review the packing list.
- Review your packing list with your party so you don’t forget important clothing items, food items and fishing gear
- Use of Dry Bags to pack your clothes is a great idea as the weather does not always cooperate
- Do not pack more than you need and remember: Large duffle bags are difficult to load on the plane – you have a maximum of 75 lbs/person including food allowed on your flight
- Know where your flight leaves from and be early (1 hour before departure is recommended) – Internet service is limited on the highway to Twin Bay Resort so do not rely on Google Maps- print off a copy of the directions to Twin Bay Resort before you leave home. There is a parking area where you will leave your vehicle after unloading your gear on the dock.
- Wear rubber boots for departure – loading/unloading gear is always better in dry feet
- Review Saskatchewan Environment rules and regulation for fishing
- Have you taken the required boating licence? – Safety makes your trip so much more enjoyable.
- Hopefully you do not experience a fishing hook in the wrong place but in case you do we provide a commercial hook remover kit, located in your medical kit inside each cabin. We also recommend you buy one and have it inside your fishing box.
- Upon arrival at camp remember there may be a group departing after you unload so as your plane is unloaded place all your items off the docking area and keep an eye on it. You do not want your gear reloaded on the plane!!
- After you open the cabin door and unpack get familiar with your surroundings, have a look at the shower house, filleting area, boat house and tool house
- If you are in camp with other guests, introduce yourselves and remember to respect your neighbours during your stay.
- Comfort and safety- We do provide CSA approved life jackets but you may want to look at an inflatable vest(believe us when we say you wont even know you are wearing this style)
Sorry, but you will have to leave, so on departure day:
- Clean your cabin for the next guests (brooms/mops/buckets are in each cabin)
- Take all your items and ensure fridge and freezer is empty (feel free to leave behind bottled water)
- Double bag all garbage to be loaded on the plane
- Compact cans in separate bags for pilot
- Maybe leave a note for the next guest…..maybe a hot fishing spot?
- Your departure time may vary due to weather or unforeseen circumstances but please be ready on the dock will all your gear and garbage 60 minutes before your scheduled departure time
- Clean your boat and maybe even fill the fuel tank as the new guest will be a little excited to get on the water and just may forget to check fuel level in the tank on the boat
If you have read this far, we thank you! You deserve a hot tip so take your boat 30 yards off the docking area and drop your anchor in the middle of the small bay facing the creek mouth. Take a jig or soft body and drop it to the bottom…jig it…cast it… & enjoy lunch